Sleek and productive Elixir applications

Sleeky is a free, open source framework that allows you to build lean applications in a fast and declarative way.

Ash inspired

Sleeky adheres to the exact same model your domain, derive the rest philosophy from Ash

Ecto centric

Everything in Sleeky gravitates around entities, and entities are enhanced Ecto schemas

Self migrated

Sleeky keeps track of your schema changes and automatically figures out the right database migrations, so you don't have to

Productivity focused

Sleeky is opinionated and makes some decisions for you, so that you can focus on the core of your problem

Batteries included

Background jobs, authorization, search, pub-sub, observability... Sleeky takes you as close to production readiness as possible

Phoenix friendly

Pick the features you like the most from Sleeky and use them in your favourite Elixir framework